Status of Women and Human Rights

This Sub-Committee focuses discussion on issues pertaining to the Status of Women and Human Rights within Canada and brings recommendations for action to the CFUW National Standing Committee on Advocacy. They focus on CFUW’s national priority of Equity and Social Justice, particularly regarding Gender-Based Violence, and on other issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as they relate to the status of women and human rights.
The Gender-Based Violence portfolio includes a range of considerations including the intersectionality of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, mental and physical disability, and economic status.
The Sub-Committee also helps CFUW Club Advocacy Groups with their work on human rights issues as requested and works collaboratively with other CFUW bodies and allies as deemed relevant.
They monitor the Canadian Government’s policies and practices regarding the Status of Women and Human Rights and work with Parliamentary Committees. As well, they monitor events in the media and report as necessary on the issues that arise relating to the Status of Women and Human Rights. Their recommendations for discussion and action at the National Advocacy Standing Committee are considered and often moved forward to CFUW’s National Board.