Election 2025
A federal election has been called for April 28, 2025.
CFUW is a non-partisan organization, and as such, we do not support or oppose any political party or candidate. Nevertheless, election periods represent an opportunity to remind political parties and politicians that gender equality, education, and social justice are crucial to a prosperous, sustainable future. It is a pivotal time for us to get the issues that matter most to us on the debate floor and advocate for change.
This page serves to provide CFUW Clubs, members, and allies with the resources needed to advocate for our priority issues and promote voter engagement throughout the election period. It will be updated regularly as more resources become available.
CFUW Federal Election Toolkit
As in previous federal elections, CFUW has prepared an Election Toolkit to support Clubs and members' non-partisan election engagement activities.
Our Federal Election Toolkit is full of information to help you prepare for the election, including:
- How to engage in elections while being non-partisan
- Resources to inform yourself and your community about parties’ and candidates’ positions
- Advice on spotting election disinformation
- Briefing materials and questions to ask candidates on CFUW’s priority issues
- A guide to hosting an All-Candidates Meeting

Demand Better Campaign

Demand Better is a national, non-partisan, bilingual awareness campaign powered by women’s rights and gender justice organizations from across the country. The goal is to mobilize Canadians to demand better of our leaders when it comes to policies that benefit everyone: “By showing how feminist policies directly strengthen the economy, we’re shifting the conversation: it’s not about choosing between helping people or helping the economy. It’s about demanding better from our leaders for policies that benefit everyone.” Priority issues include affordable housing, child care, and universal pharmacare.
CFUW has signed on to the Demand Better campaign and will be sharing its materials throughout the election period.
Non-Partisan Election Resources
Voter Information Service (Elections Canada): Find your riding, candidates, and polling place.
Ways to Vote (Elections Canada)
Government of Canada Factsheet on Resisting Disinformation During an Election
CBC's Vote Compass: Explore how your views compare to those of the political parties.