Practising Advocacy
You don’t have to be a professional advocate to take action on big issues important to women and Canadians. There are many ways that you can contribute to the wellbeing of Canadians and promote Education, Equity and Social Justice, and Safe and Healthy Communities for women and girls. You can become an advocate for women’s rights in your community, by supporting organizations and campaigns, and urging leaders to take action!
CFUW’s membership passes Resolutions on the topics on which we would like to advocate. A full list of all Resolutions CFUW has passed from 1964 to today can be found below. Use Resolutions as the basis for CFUW campaigns. If you wish to act as a member of the public, these documents can provide information and ideas for areas in which to act:
Realizing Potential: Advocacy Action Using CFUW Adopted Resolutions

Advocacy Tools & Handbook
The Advocacy Handbook is an ever-evolving collection of handouts, guides, and PowerPoints to help members of CFUW and individuals to tackle issues that concern them.
CFUW Advocacy 101 Video – An introduction for members to Advocacy in CFUW
CFUW Advocacy Framework – A continuum of actions
CFUW Advocacy Guidelines – Guidelines for advocacy action for CFUW at all levels
CFUW Advocacy: Who Does What? – An explanation of to whom each level of CFUW advocates