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Standing Against Violence and Harassment in Politics

Like many Canadians, CFUW Clubs and members are very disappointed in the increasingly toxic and unprofessional tone and conduct of politics in Canada, both within and outside of the federal and provincial legislatures.

While politicians of all backgrounds and identities are facing growing aggression, women—particularly Indigenous, 2SLGBTQ+, and racialized women—are more frequently subjected to identity-focused attacks. These attacks are often graphic in sexuality, gender, and race-based insults and target physical appearances. In addition to negatively impacting individuals’ wellbeing, this violence also sends a message that women are not welcome in political spaces. We know that when women are deterred from engaging in politics, we all lose.

Social media, with its anonymity and tendency to polarize and misinform, has no doubt contributed greatly to this problem, and improved regulation is thus needed. However, we believe the responsibility to act also lies with politicians themselves, especially leaders of political parties.

Ahead of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, CFUW National sent a letter to the leaders of all federal political parties and the Speaker of the House of Commons encouraging them to take a public stand against violence and harassment in politics. In the letter, CFUW urges the leaders to do their part to ensure political debate is conducted civilly and respectfully, without personal attacks.

Read the full letters sent to federal party leaders and the Speaker of the House here:

Template Letters

Would you like to share your concerns about the increasing toxicity in federal and provincial politics in Canada?

Download the appropriate template letter below and send it to your local representative! Be sure to personalize and adapt the letter to your local context by editing the text written in red.

CFUW Clubs

Send to local MP and MLA/MPP/MHA/MNA

CFUW Provincial Councils

Send to provincial Speakers and political party leaders

Individual Members of the Public

Send to local MP and MLA/MPP/MHA/MNA, as an individual